Re-Solve the Conundrum of Myself: A Re-Solution for the New Year

Re-Solve the Conundrum of Myself: A Re-Solution for the New Year

New Year’s resolutions. Start. Restart. Focus. Refocus. Set. Reset. Boot. Reboot. Charge. Recharge. Commit. Recommit. New. Renew. Renewal. Detox. Cleanse. Challenge. Promise.

These words comprise the language of the new year around health, wellness, weight loss, and self-improvement. These words energize and inspire me.

I love the idea of a fresh start, a new beginning, a way to change what causes me to act against my own self interests.

This is hopeful stuff — making myself better, being the person I want to be, improving myself without hating myself.

My hope is magnified this year because I have the privilege of hearing hopeful possibilities that others have for themselves through Transform Shadows.

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Transforming the Shadows of Failed New Year’s Resolutions

Transforming the Shadows of Failed New Year’s Resolutions

When I started planning my weight loss, all-or-nothing thinking emerged as one of the biggest reasons around my history of failed New Year’s resolutions.

For me, a New Year’s resolution was always worded in an all-or-nothing mindset and behavior. Over the years, my resolutions usually included variations of the following themes.

  • I will lose weight.

  • I will eat healthy foods.

  • I will avoid unhealthy foods.

  • I will exercise.

But, my resolutions never took failure into account.

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